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There has always been a high demand for outdoor and camping gear. So there’s no wonder why such projects usually succeed in crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. Stoves, in particular, continue to attract backers from all over the world. Just check out the Kombuis which received almost US$90,000 in funding, the Pinnacle Pro with US$231,737, and the BioLite FirePit with a staggering US$2,534,017. And by the looks of it, the Dy Stove is about to become another successful campaign. As of writing, it has more than US$77,034 in funding, smashing its goal of US$5,000.
So what exactly is the Dy Stove, and how is it different from the other portable camping stoves we’ve mentioned? More importantly, is it worth trying out today? Let’s find out with this Dy Stove review. Don’t have time to read the whole thing? You can click on any of the links below to skip to that section.
The Dy Stove is a project from Ninesix US, a startup company that focuses on convenient heating products. Its campaign is currently active on Kickstarter, and it will run until November 19, 2020. So if you’re interested, make sure to back the project beforehand to enjoy it at a much lower price. But if you’re unsure whether to take the risk, let our review help you.
Speaking of price, the Dy Stove takes the top spot as the most expensive stove compared to the others we have mentioned above. Having a retail price of US$1450 to US$2200, this stove is way pricier than the Kombuis (US$120), Pinnacle Pro ($235), and the BioLite FirePit ($199). It’s also more expensive than the Winnerwell Woodlander ($349) and the Clarry Stove ($1,400 to $1,700), which are similar products already available in the market.
That said, the Dy Stove is not cheap. However, it does offer something that the other stoves don’t – and that’s versatility. The Dy Stove can run on different fuels, and it can be used for different purposes. Let’s discuss this in detail below.
The Kombuis and Winnerwell Woodlander run on wood. The Clarry Stove runs on pellets, and the Pinnacle Pro uses propane gas. Then, there’s the BioLite FirePit, which can run on both wood and charcoal. However, with the Dy Stove, you have a lot of fuel alternatives. It is designed to use dry wood and pellets. But if you run out of those, you can also use pine nuts and pistachio shells.
The Dy Stove is basically two products. There’s the Firewood Stove Set and the Patio Set. You can use the full stove for cooking and the patio set for heating. You can also choose to purchase them separately or as a complete set.
If you are only looking for a stove to keep you warm, whether outdoors or indoors, you can save money through the company’s Patio Set. However, it’s not by much since it still costs around $1250. But if you will back the project on Kickstarter, it will only be $1000. On the other hand, if you are only after cooking or barbecuing with the product, the Firewood Stove Set is a better and cheaper option. It has a retail price of $750, but it’s available on Kickstarter for $600.
Now, if you want to experience the whole thing, then prepare to pay a whole lot more. The Firewood Stove with Patio Full Set is priced at $2200. If you don’t need the patio heating but interested in using a stove with different fuel types, the Dy Full Set can cost you around $1450.
The Dy Stove features a large-capacity pellet feeder that is separated from the product’s fuel tank. Not only does this prevent heat from reaching the fuel tank, but it also minimizes the emission of fire-flakes. Thus, helping you prevent fire accidents. Additionally, the Dy Stove allows you to control the fire by reducing the fuel. This makes it more stable than units that apply more oxygen.
Here are the specifications of the Dy Stove based on its Kickstarter campaign.
Specifications | Stove | Burner (Combustor) | Patio Heater |
Dimensions (mm) |
296 x 290 x 263 | 430 x 960 x 263 |
Weight | Approx 22lb (10kg) | Approx 13lb (6kg) | Approx 13lb (6kg) |
Material | Stainless steel, quartz glass | Stainless steel | Stainless steel, quartz glass |
Fuel | Firewood, firewood alternatives | Wood pellets, corn, etc. | Wood pellets |
Exhaust Pipe Diameter | 75mm (3inches) | None | 75mm (3inches) |
Recommended Flue Length | More than 2m | None | 3m |
Fuel Consumption | 2.2 – 2.6 lb/h (1 – 1.2 kg/h) | 2.6 – 3.3 lb/h (1.2 – 1.5 kg/h) | 2.2 – 2.6 lb/h (1 – 1.2 kg/h) |
Based on these specs, let’s discuss what works and what doesn’t with the Dy Stove.
What Works?
Rust is one of the problems with the BioLite FirePit and other stoves. But since the Dy Stove is made with 100% stainless steel, you don’t have to worry about that. The quartz glass is also a nice touch since it allows you to check the fire safely. It’s durable, heat-resistant, and adds elegance, specifically with the patio heater.
Also, this is a high-fuel efficient stove. Meaning, you can use less fuel and experience stronger warmth and longer usage. You can also use it for more than 12 hours straight without needing to dispose of the ashes. Furthermore, the Dy Stove doesn’t require electricity or battery, making it great for both indoors and outdoors.
What Doesn’t Work?
As a product that’s marketed for its portability, the Dy Stove is sure heavy. Can you just imagine bringing the full set (stove and patio heater) with you during your travels? That’s approximately 35lb, and that doesn’t include the weight of the large capacity fuel feeder and the flues. With that much weight, the Dy is not the best product to take if there’s a significant amount of distance from your car to your camping site.
Also, if you will take only the stove set, you’d still have to carry around 11kg (24lbs 4oz) of baggage. And that’s still heavier than the BioLite FirePit, which weighs 19.8lbs, or the Winnerwell with 20lbs total. Both are similar products that can help you make great meals outdoors.
Another issue we see with the Dy Stove is its many, many parts. The Firewood Stove with Patio Full Set has 16 individual parts with 4 carry bags. On the other hand, the Firewood Set has 10 parts with 1 carry bag, and the Patio Set has 8 parts with 2 bags. And the Stove Full Set has 13 parts with 3 bags.
Now, because there are so many components of this product, you have to be extra careful not to lose any of them. You also have more things to replace in due time. Plus, it just makes the whole thing a bit complicated to set up. Compared to the Winnerwell Stove, which has only 4 parts and a carry bag, the Dy Stove just seems too much of a task for outdoors.
Also, having reviewed a lot of Kickstarter projects in the past, we’re a little unsure of the company’s deadline for delivering their products before Christmas. But if they do make it, then that’s great! However, if you’re backing the project because of such claims, best not get your hopes up. Remember, this is a Kickstarter campaign. Deliveries can be delayed, and many projects do not perform as expected, ust keep that in mind.
Overall, if you are looking for a multi-fuel stove that can provide you warmth and allow you to cook your food, then the Dy Stove is a good option. It is durable, mobile, and can resist corrosion. It’s also fuel-efficient and has low gas emissions. However, to enjoy such benefits, it will cost you – by a lot. But if you are willing to take the risk and help a new company get its big break, then make sure to check out the product’s Kickstarter campaign before it’s too late.
DY Stove Review
Design & Build - 7.5/10
Features - 7.5/10
Total Value - 7.4/10
The Dy Stove is a multipurpose and mobile stove that can run on dry wood, pellets, and other fuel alternatives. It can provide warmth and allow you to cook your meals in both indoor and outdoor settings.
✓ Resistant to corrosion
✓ Durable
✓ Multi-fuel and multi-purpose
✗ Heavy
✗ Too many individual parts
✗ Expensive